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March 8th, 2010 at 02:12 pm
We did it!! We did it!!....our first big debt free purchase.
We bought me a newer snowmobile. We paid $4280 he wanted $4,500. We also had another $400 for the taxes.
Boy, it's hard for me to find the words to describe the feelings around all this Text is and Link is http://yoursmiles.org/t-salut.php . But I know some of you already know and many of you will know in time.
Here is me on my new snowmobile
Posted in
February 1st, 2010 at 04:39 am
Just thought I would share how we do our money week by week.
Every Friday when my dh gets paid I take out $400 for that week. We start our week on Friday, because we like to have lots of money to spend on the weekend then scrimp during the week. AND when that money is gone, we only take more money out if we really really really need something. I know this might not be strict enough for most but it has got us out of debt .
Posted in
December 29th, 2009 at 05:15 pm
Just in case you might like to know what's happened with me and my Living Beneath my Means money adventure....Here Goes....
Here are the bills we had when I started my journey
-$11,000 CC at 0%interest for next 10 months with large possibility of keeping it 0% until paid off
-$18,000 car loan at 6.99% (paid $100 in interest this month and last month)
-$8,000 car loan at 6.24% (paid $50 in interest this month and last month)
New money stuff
-$3,500 for new hearing aides (also paid off during my year away.
-$1,000 to our son to help with wedding
For a grand total of $41,500 plus lots of interest.
OK where are we now (medium size drum roll please) We are now almost completely debt free (except our house which we will work on next). Everything is paid off except the last $1,000 dollars on the 0% interest CC. And that will be paid off by Febuary if not sooner.
Soooooooooooo, I figure we have paid off about $50,000 including interest in just under two years. AND we still lived pretty good during that time.
Posted in
December 8th, 2008 at 12:52 pm
It's really important for me to "Feel Good in almost all situations No Matter What"
But I find it really hard to feel good when I feel I might have wasted money or been taken advantage of where money is concerned. However, feeling bad has never helped me....it just causes disease inside me.
So I thought I would write about it to help me feel better....
I took my DM to the car testing place to get her car tested and it did not pass.
Thus, I offered to get it fixed for her because her income is very limited. As we were having a bite to eat waiting for the car to get fixed. She mentions my brother called her and said be sure you run the heck out of the car before getting it tested and that maybe it would have passed if we had done that.
Okay you all get how that might have hit me like a ton of bricks!!! And I couldn't get mad at my mom because she felt bad enough as it was.
This all cost me just under 200 dollars of possibly wasted money. Money that I might still have if she would have just share with me what my brother said???
But letting this bother me only hurts me and my health. And in the scheme of things this is not a biggie...I keep reminding myself.
Posted in
August 23rd, 2008 at 03:20 pm
For me, it’s important to have a bottom line. A bottom line keeps things in perspective. This is what guarantees the “And Loving it part of my journey.
The bottom line for me is do not charge. Anything other than that is just “Oh Well“. This kind of thinking keeps a smile on my face no matter what happens. Some Oh Wells that I have faced recently are:
Washer repairs (Oh Well)
Chimney repairs when I thought it only need cleaned. (Oh well)
Little truck car repairs. (Oh Well)
Couldn't put any extra on the focus loan (Oh Well)
Had to use part of our EF (Oh Well)
Because of having established a bottom line it’s easier to say Oh Well.
Do you have a bottom line in your money journey?
Posted in
August 10th, 2008 at 02:33 pm
I have tried for ever to get my DH to help me with the finances, but it just does not seem to be his thing.
Pre starting my "Living Beneath our Means and Loving it Journey",my DH would use his credit card for lunch every day. Since I have started us on this journey, he has only used it a handful of times.......so he is NOT fighting me. He just does not seem to want to live it and breath it, with me.....LOL....But then on the other hand maybe I should not live it and breath it quite so much. lol
BUT I think I have found a trick that has brought him on board. A few weeks ago I started putting up on the fridge a running tally of where I was spending his weekly check. This weeks Looked like this
$687 Week of 8-1
-87 snowmobile account
$600 left
-30 DH's allowance
-25 Wife lunch with sis
$545 left
-21 wiper blades little truck
-38 little truck gas
111 walmart groc + round up
-20 cash 10 adams birthday
-42 big truck gas +ice
$258 left
-10 adj ( not sure what happen
$248 left
-20 lake cruise tickets
-25 stevia order
$203 left
- 60 grand daughter school clothes
-17 wife walkman
-25 deer tag
$101 left
-17 grand daughter toy/flowers for wife
$ 86 left
This system has brought him on board...I just heard him the other day talking to DSIL about how he and DD might want to do it. The down side to this is he sometimes now........questions one of my expenditure. lol
Posted in
August 6th, 2008 at 03:13 pm
I have noticed I have control issues. I sometimes use "my getting the money in order" as an excuse to control my dh. He's not big on taking care of the money, he's happy to let me make most of the decisions. But once in a while he has opinions about what should be done with the money and I find myself fibbing
and making excuses as to why we have to do it my way. I have heard admitting something is half the battle and at least I'm will to admit I have control issues.
Posted in
August 1st, 2008 at 05:23 pm
I have never felt like I feel now about money. Everything about money use to have me tied in knots.
I think money caused most of my achy body too. Since starting my Living Beneath my Means journey most of my body aches have miraculously disappeared.
I use to think I would end up using a walker by the time I was 65 and that was only 10 years away. Now I feel like I could dance all night every night until I'm at least 100.
We seem to have tons of money. I am certainly revelling in all this. I feel better now then when we had refinanced our house 5 years ago and took out a few Thousand to play with.
Posted in
July 31st, 2008 at 08:27 pm
We paid off our first focus loan this morning. That's a little over $8000 in 6 months, Who would have thought, not this girl.(Boy am I dancing the hurray I'm on my way to being debt free dance)
The most exciting part is now we can put atleast $1000 a month on my car. It's the bigger of the two that are feft but it's at almost 7% interest and the smaller one is at 0% interest.
We will be saving tons of interest because for every regular payment $100 still goes to interest. This is so much fun. And we can still afford to get everything we need and tons of things we really really really want.
We aren't going exactly gazelle intensity more like giraffe intensity.
The loan we paid off was our truck and beings it now owned by us we can get the full coverage taken off it and save even more money.
Posted in
July 29th, 2008 at 02:26 am
Our lawn mower went out a few weeks ago, and we have been using my daughters while I researched what to get.
We have gone through two high end self propelled mowers in the last 6 years. With that in mind, as I researched many articles said the manual machines had much less breaking down. Being I'm also into exercise....I can consider mowing with a manual machine one of my upper body workouts for the week.
So today I bit the bullet and got a new machine, I had also looked at used machines but that did not seem like the "inspired action" (I'm very
into "inspired action") so I went new. Being we had the money in our EF. (yah for EFs) I spend $217 with tax got a Troy Built with a big engine. My research also said get a big engine. I loooooooove mowing. I'm sure me and my baby will spend tons of content hours mowing together. Here is my little machine.
Posted in
July 27th, 2008 at 04:02 pm
We went out to lunch yesterday. I wanted nachos. I don't eat that kind of food often, so if I was going to indulge I wanted great nachos. Hence I went to the last place I had great nachos....They had quite serving nachos, but they had something close so I ordered it. We had an OK lunch.
We will not be going out to lunch again anytime soon. We don't go out to lunch often and now I remember why; It's a waste of money. Boy have I changed. We use to go out all the time in our last life.
I don't feel quilty because we make good money and can aford to go out to eat if we want. I just feel like I wasted $32 that could have been spent in a more fun way. I could make a list of other things I would rather have done.
The craziest part is I just waited two weeks for my DH's paycheck to come so we could buy a new tubing tube.
Then turned around and wasted half the price of the tube again on going out to lunch, which was good but not that good.
Oh well not a big deal. And it cool to see how much we have changed, since we became. Living beneath our means fiends.
Also I just started keeping a running tally on the fridge of where my DH weekly check goes, so I will have to look at the silly $32 we threw away at going out to lunch.
Posted in
July 23rd, 2008 at 03:02 pm
We have been doing DR for a few months now, and I find that when I listen to him I have to run it through "my truth o meter" before deciding what is right for me. In the beginning I needed to take what he said as gosple because "my truth o meter" in regards to money was broken......but now it's not. So I still love DR and agree with tons of what he says but not all.....at least for my situation.
DR "strongly" suggests everyone pay off there debt at what he calls "gazelle" intensity. And we all know gazelles are really, really, really fast. In the beginning, I was obsessed (using gazelle or at least deer intensity) with paying off our first focus loan and I think that was a good choice for me and I will continue that until that loan is gone, which will be very soon. But after that I will side step from one of DR's golden rules
DR has what he calls baby steps, baby step 1 is to get a $1000 emergency fund, which we have accomplished. Baby step 2 is to pay off debt at "gazelle" speed which I agree with to a degree. Baby step 3 is to increase the emergency fund to cover at least 3 months expenses. This is where I will be side stepping. After we pay off the first debt we will start using any extra money we have to up our emergency fund to about $3000. I am doing this because it feels like a better choice for me. (And I have learned in the past to always go with my gut feelings) Then we will return to using "giraffe" intensity to pay off our other two loans.
DR also "strongly" suggests supending your retirement contributions to use in paying off your debt. I don't agree with this in my situation. I'm 54 and even thought I love my job and I mean LOOOOOOOOOVE my job, I still will want to retire some day. Furthermore, I believe with the market down right now I would be stupid to not take advantage of buying at such cheap prices.
Posted in
July 10th, 2008 at 06:37 pm
Things are going spectacular..just got back from our non-scrimping camping trip that we had more than enough to pay cash for.
So now we're back and focusing on living below our means again so I can pay $350 plus $100 *daycare for the **class I'm taking next week without using our EF. I know we can do this we just need to only buy that which we really need this week and next.
Right now we have $470 in our general bank account. And my dh gets paid at least $500 tomorrow. So we just need to not buy any wants even really really wants for about a week. Were up to the challenge!!!
*The daycare is for my grand daughter who is keeping grandma company a lot this summer.
**I need to take this class because I'm a teacher and need it to top out on the pay scale.
Posted in
July 3rd, 2008 at 04:03 pm
We are going camping for the 4th and taking and paying for my daughter, her hubby and three kiddies.
I love being able to do this and not charge anything and splurge a little and still not charge. I started to write what we had spent so far but I decided I did not want to think about that right now. I am putting it in my budget though. We make good money and can easily afford it.
Paying tons on our focus loan is taking a back seat this month in order to not scrimp on camping. It's all a matter of balance. And "for me" life is all about having fun. Sometimes "my fun" is paying tons on our focus loan and other times it's not scrimping on camping. As soon as we get back from camping we will jump on the focus loan again. Even with the luxury camping we will have it paid of before the end of August at the latest.
It sure is a whole different feeling when a little emergency happens and we have the money in our emergency fund to easily cover it. Makes the emergency seem like next to nothing. Sure brings a whole new meaning to the saying "IT'S ONLY MONEY", when you have the money to cover it without robbing from "peter to pay paul".
Posted in
June 23rd, 2008 at 10:56 am
Beings it's a womans prerogative to change her mind.......I've done just that. In fact, I'm a pro at it....... but only two have to do with my financial situation at this point. Hence, I'm going to share those with you. We have gone back to not charging anything...I use my debt card instead. I was listening to Mr. Ramsey and he was talking about the emotional conection that goes with charging "for most".......and I decided that I belong in that catagory.....the "for most" catagory. So for me not charging is the best for my emotionally.
The other turn around is with an emergency fund. I have started building an emergency fund. Now I still believe the happy I am the less emergencies that happen to me......but at times I let my happiness guard down and things break like the washing machine and the lawn mower. And it sure helps my peace of mind to have the money on hand to cover them.
My emergency fund is $1000 at this time and keeping it there is my number one priority.
Now I just want to brag a little about how well we are doing on paying off our focus loan we have paid an extra $5,000 since FEB.......That's 50 extra 100 dollar bills we have come up with in about 5 month (who would have thought it would be so easy....not this girl......or i would have started this long ago) And we are not living on exactly "beans and rice".
Well maybe not exactly steak and lobster either......well not every night anyway.
Posted in
June 21st, 2008 at 04:09 pm
Everything has been going really well since in last posted. It's all becoming my new way of life. Here are the catogories I have settled on that work best for me when managing my money. I do this all on a free site called ezpiggy.
house payment
discover card
Auto boat insurance
auto pymt
life insurance
heat lights
(The above are all the ones that stay the same every month....next are the ones that I have a budget for but remain flexible with)
Groceries $600
Auto Gas his $125
auto gas hers $125
Intertain and rec $500
Needs and really really really wants
This works great for my needs.
I can't even put into words how much better I feel since starting this journey. There is not a part of my life that it has not impacted. It's like a rubics cube (remember those) because when i make one even small move everything shifts.
Example I usually spend tons on flowers for the yard every spring. And this year I'm really into appreciating what is there already. I spent a couple dollars on seeds which are kind of coming up. and $4 on some fake flowers for my planter.
Now I have not said no flowers but it just has not seemed very important. My yard has tons of flowers in it anyway.........but I have been really really really enjoying everyones elses flowers more than ever.
I have not bought any new clothes since my journey started......again not because I have told myself no but because I have realized I already have tons of really cut clothes already.
Posted in
May 3rd, 2008 at 11:56 am
Had an interesting experience today. Was wondering if any others have had it.
Needed to do some OK spending but was overwhelmed with feeling of you’re blowing it..............I'm a teacher and each year we have $250 that we need to spend by June 1 or we loose it......you spend your own money first then are reimbursed at the end of July for your purchases. Guess it freaked me out because I was buying fun items that I would not have bought without the school money combined with the lag between my paying for it and being reimbursed.
I also am getting ready to pay for the classes I will be taking this summer about $1000 worth. In fact that guard part of me is making me feel like I have to justify why I am spending this money. (well guard part the classes will eventually make me more money)
The really cool part is I will be able to pay cash for all of it........where as before I always charged it. Then had to really scramble to get it paid off before interest was charged.
Another thought as to why it might be bothering me.......I am on a real roll on paying on my focus loan and accumulating savings and these expenditures will slow that down momentarily. In fact the school stuff will came out of saving and be paid back in July.
PS with alittle of the $250 I bought a remote headset for my computer so I can listen to fun things while I do my planning. I also bought little recorders so the kidos can have fun recording themselves reading..........anything to get them to read and especially REREAD.
Oh well it's all part of the Fun Fun Fun journey.
Posted in
April 8th, 2008 at 04:38 am
Went to albertsons and bought 20 for $20 then when you got to the register they subtracted another $8 only spent $12 for those items and $5 for a few more.
Next went to Rosauers half off sale and spent $19 for some great buys.
(Now remember I'm alergic to sugar, so most of what I bought was pretty healthy no junk but I did buy a few quick fixes because cooking is not my favorite thing.)
Then to the produce market when I got a box of scrumptious apples for 55 cents a pound and a few other things for a total of $20.
Now the plan is not to buy anymore food for at least the rest of this week and hopefully next unless its a have to have. I'll post here what I buy to keep myself accountable. I love playing the buy ahead because it's cheap game but I want to stay on or below budget also.
I definitely plan on finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Posted in
April 4th, 2008 at 11:40 pm
I also love grocery shopping and especially getting groceries for half price or almost. My new game is seeing how close to half price I can get things, then stocking up a little. I never buy things JUST because its half price though.
We hardly ever buy sweets or snacks because we eat very healthy not veggan or anything. In fact my dh is the almighty hunter and gatherer. But I am alergic to sugar and my dh is not a big sugar eater so that makes what we buy pretty healthy. Actually right now the only things snack like we have in the house our regular doritos, chex mix, and pudding. And all of those are pretty healthy as far as snacks go.
I set up a little extra area in the basement for my stock ups. All I have down there now are two boxes of taco shells that I got for 1$ a box.
I started getting the paper on Wednesday so I could have the food ads so I can see where what we need is the cheapest. I pass by all the stores on my way to work so it's not out of my way.
I love games and I know this one is going to really bring down our grocery bill and still have us eating great.
Posted in
April 3rd, 2008 at 10:54 am
I think I'm about ready to start playing my charging game again.
We have a Southwest card that I use to run everything I can through to get those free flights. We regularly get two, almost free flights a year (I say almost because there is a $50 yearly fee on the card (and no they won't remove it I tried but it's still a great deal)).
And now that we have our finances straighened out and a plan in place, I think its time to jump back into that game.
This is my plan for playing the charging game again .... as soon as I charge an item I will record it as if the money is already spent......(which it is duh) I use a free program called ezpiggy to record everything.
Then instead of looking at my bank account balance to see how much money we have spent and have left, I will look at my ezpiggy account for that info.
We seem to have more money to spend now that we are not spending as much. Kind of a crazy "catch 22"
Here's some place I could go on one of my free flights.
Posted in
March 31st, 2008 at 06:16 pm
Went clothes shopping for my three grandkids. We have them a lot and like to keep clothes here for them. I shopped at the thrift store and mostly chose the yellow tagged items that were an additional 50% off. I was able to get 14 items and spend under $17. yah for me. Here are some picts of the cute things I got.
This picture is 2 outfits for Daisy she's 2.
This is 2 outfits for Drew who is 6 months
Here you are seeing jammies for the Drew and the Daisy and 2 tops for Sophi our 5 year old
Grandkids is what love and life is all about.
Posted in
March 26th, 2008 at 02:38 am
I find since i started this adventure I am becoming more aware of ways I can save like getting all the lights off and not over warming up my car.
I was also able to put an extra $200 on our focus loan. I also feel that I have enough clothes, at this moment anyway. I also put off getting my hair done for two more weeks because it didn't seem to need done quite as fast as usual.
I think getting the money monkey off my back is making me a more content person. So many thing seem to be OK when before they were needing fized.
I love pretty pictures....they inspire me.
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